300 Expofition.pon the feca zd V E a.I6, 3 Saint Hierom would haue no man patient, in caufa Lela fidei ; yet is it in Pauli Counfell and praelife, in I Cor.g.:z, things indifferent to be indifferently minded; totbecomeall vnto all. eArmbrofe his moderation, what wife man but approues in externall Rites, to fit himfelfe to that Church; God final' call or occafion Dina to liue in. 7urpis et ommS pars, cluæ vniuerfo non congruit fuo. As co civili contentions,we may then hope to haue them calmed ; when men haue lcarn'd, t ° Vnderualue their pence,to their peace. 2 To pacific the * lofts which wotrre in their members. 3 To thinks it their x glory,to pafe by aft offence. 4 To be humble and lowly ; Pith Y onely by pride men make contentions. But why prefcribe wee? When Paul rhought prefcripts fo little auaileable; And,infleed of exhorting,prayes God himfelfe to interpole for preferuati- on of peace. The God of peace himfelfegiue you peace. Surely its bee z Pfal.a 9 IT. that makes men to be of one mind in a houfe; Its the z Lord, vhogiues vnto his people the blefng of peace. But why that áwros Emphaticall prefixed ? St founds, mee thinkes, as lithe Lord muff bow the heavens and come downs, himfelfe in perfbn interpole to fetrle vs in peace. Is our nature fo abhorreat from peace ? Or what is it ? View man as nature fends him out into the world;thou feet' him naked,and,more then any creature, vnarmed ; as ifnis maker meant him for fomePi&ure of Peace. Yet be- hold him in his Inwards fo depraved fince the fall, that Tigres,or wood Beares, are fcarce fo fierce as hee : the firfl fins vented by the fonnes of -ídam, were 'wrath, hatred, enuìe, violence, &c. finnes all oppofite enemies to peace : the lall that are mortified, feeme the fame contentious hu- mours ; wherefore to all the Churches 'Paul writes vnto, are csueats frequentefl, again.{' affe/lions of that Na- ture. Add vnto this,the diuels fleeting efpecially towards the breach of peace; nothing fo much âduantaging or advan- cing his Kingdome,as the difcords and diflèntions of Bre. thren: thus fleales he Truth, Deuotion,Sanótitie,Charitie, and u PCO,r.T. *lac 4.1. R Pro. T ó. T I. 7 Prc...I',to. m SeeGen,4;& 6