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717r^,.71_ C H A P.3. Epif;le to the 7heffalonians. R.16. and all out of the Church, while we are hotly contending about Goates wooll : perhaps that's Reafon, Paul prayes Gods immediate manife ding himfeife in working our peace. But vfually,the more difficult, the more neceflarie and excellent. Thence, perhaps, it is, Paul ío enlargéth his petition to all meanesandTimes: that other Reading by róaebis generally reieEted. But me,nes, you muff thinke, hee rneanes lawful!, and holie; for fo elfe -where bee fpecifies, it mull bee peace with holineffe, Hebrewes 12.14. eflwaies6yallmeanes: Scarce any dude is found in this fort enforced, as is the endeauour of peace. b d`ráxeTe ireñvnr, follow after peace, purfue it running from you, and that with all men. Loue we life ? Said the Pfalmifl. e Seeke, peace and enfese it.d Ifit be pof ible, (that fhowes it difficult) as much as inyore is, haue peace with all men. And here, alwaies by all meaner : where I fee enforcements fo emphaticall,mce thinkes I apprehend fomeexcellencie or vfefulnefle extraordinarie in the dude exhorted veto; elfe, forne more then ordinarie abhorrence from it, from na- ture or ill cuflorue : at leafl,fome fpeciall fpight, in Satan, labouring to hinder vs in it : where Paul with a e apó acivmu' preff'eth care to kèepe Faith, I apprehend, by his teaching, fpeciall vfefulneffe of it in the fpirituall com- bate. When Peter, f Cbaritie_, with like Emphafis, I conceiue,excellencie,vfefulneffe ofit in the whole life ofa Chrifiian ; fpightifhefl in fici iations of Satan, to robbe vs of it : like thinke I of the biefling of peace, and endeauotïrs to preferue it for like cnforcements. It wonders me, to fee a duty fo enforced, fo generally fkíghted : yet are we not ignorant ofSatan' wiles while thus we vilifie and vnderprize fuch bleffings, the'Lord is proued to renoue them from vs. God grant wee fee not fuch lilues. Are we fated with the word ? Wee may line to fçe g a Famine of it weary of the fweet blefiìtíg ofpeace? We may, as our Neighbour Churches,tafle the miferies of Warre. eilurrtat omen Deus. But let vs learne to fet bet ter ,,'m: . riy,1rd ° Hcb.t z.i 4. ° prat 14.12..14. t Kom. ° Ep11ef.6.16. rr Pet 48. V fe. Am $.f,tI,IE r7;: : kif*Ïa r{. + #