CHA P.3. Epiflle to the The filonigns. V$ ti.I 6. 2 curiof ties, if I might interpole, thus I fhould refolue; of all bleflings, this is the prime ; that God hath fet his loue on nun, conferred his grace and free fauour on him : from this ifiùed Eleelton, Creation,Redemption, or if any bief- fing fpirituall may be thought more precious then thefe. Confequents of it are thefe. t None can be againfl vs, Rom 8.3 t. Thinke not, he meanes in their affeetion,to op- pofe,or worke our annoyance,but to hurt os; as Teter ex- plicates, who ù it that i fball hurt or harmeyou? if you f a- low that which itgood. a It brings with it,friendfhip of all the friends ofGod, i Saints, and holy Angels ; that made Elifha fay to his man, there are k more with vs, then thofe that are againfl vs ; hoafis of Angels, to fight our quarrels , to minifler for the good of all them who fhall ,be heites of faluation, Heb :t ß.t4. 3 In a word, he lackes nothing, who hath God to be his friend. Salomon had his He Iedidiah ; that is, bcloued of the Lord, for the Lord hued ho n, a Sam. t 2.25. his fa- uouris, But aske and haue, t King3.5 /sk,e,whatI!ball glue thee. There be many that fay, who will Phew vs any good ? I fay, and pray as Dauid. Lord' lift vp the light of thy coun- tenance vpon me; glue me thy fauour, thou giuefl me all : fee Tfal.6;.3. a Affiflance,AElS 10.28 that is, t either aiding or fuc- couring our infirmiti: s : z elfe enabling to neceffary per - formances. It bath oppreTed me, Lord fuccour mee .i. re- lieue, fupport, aid my infirmity : fee Rom. 8.26. In our preffures by afllietion,fpecially neceffary. We know not what fight of afllieiions God referees vs for : But we are yet in the fle(h,Heb. t 3.3. a haue feene ludgernent begun at the home of God, t Pet 4.i7. The Ci- ties plagued ouer which God ss.nam was called and de for we hope toefcape? ler.a5.29. 3 our vengeance. q. Second Caufes pregnant, and ready to be deliuered. Blefl'ed is the man, whom the Lord afiifis; whom he fupports in the houre of temptation. Flf , ..,..-'_^ 't Pet,3.1;. k a Reg,6,26. a 'Pal 4,6. s 'ear Ifititarg:_