H A P.3, An Expofition vpon the fecond V E x.16. z Elfe, enabling to doe the dueries of general] or par- ticular calling, z Tim. 4. 17. the Lord affled, and ena- bled me. Neceilitie appeares : a Naturally, and of our felues, we are impotent, z COr.2.1-4. a Cor.3.5. 2 Oppoítion we finde from Satan, Zech.3. t. 3 ReluOtation from our owne fíefh,Rom.7.21,23.meanes qualifying to this favour of God : t fenfible acknowledgement of our inabili- ties: z vfing meanesfandified;7heLordir nigh taall that call vpon him, Pfd. 14ç. t 8. 3 Proteaion,as 4as 7.9,10. that afforded ; either t by fafeguarding vs from the touch or annoyance of euill ; as when temptations violent are kepi from vs, a C'or. lo. tt 3. or we taken from them, e poc.2.i0. /Pi 57.i. 2 Reáf.22. 10. 2 Or fuflaining vs in the euils, 2 Con 12.9.3 Or by delivering vs from their perill or prefiitre, 2 Tim. 4.18. Ier. 45. Necellitie iudge of: by z delicacy and tèndernefl'e na- turall : 2 fearefull fats of great Saints, in cafe of defer - tion, v`l/iit. 26.74. ; peril' of withdrawing,Heb,1o.18. Difpofition requifice : precifefl keeping Gods wayes ; the promife of proteótion is to vs, in m vr, not in preci- pitos. Suppofe; when we either 1 runne wilfully vpon our owne perill, calling our felues into temptation : 2 nor neglea meaner lawfull,for prevention or deliverance. 3 Nor vfe vnlawfull,to auoid danger. Then (hall the Lord be with vs: fo is the évxN. s The perfons to whom he wifheth fo well, Ml with- out difference. So impartiall is he, Jbould wee in oar loue and weltrifZling affeaion to the people of God : fo is the charge, Iam.z. r . fo reacheth vs the wifedome that is from ab one ,1am.3.17. Dillinguifh ye twixtTpecialtie of loue, and partialitie. Specialtie of loue, conceiue preferring one before another, in the meafure of our loue and welwifhing affe6lion. Our Sauiour had his - vfauorite :.God himfelfe,hisp friend : fee ánnotata ad Thef. 5.134 Parati-