''e iI Tartialitie,here vnderfland, enclotng to faine, with excluding others. Lone fhould be to all Saints, Col. 1.4. 1 The ti meaneft member is a member : z Vfefull in its kinde. 3 And this noticeth that wee loue gods children, r quia tales , when all that are fuck, are entertained into our loue. No wit man loues enclofure, of what fhould be com- mon. Nor God, I dare fay, fuch enclofure of loue. The Greekifh Chriflians at Hierufflem obferued , it feemes, fome f [lighting of their widowes in the daily Mi- nifiration. Saint James in his time noted, thence grew to murmuring, Aas6. t t. contempt of poorer Saints, for pouettie fake, fam.z. Saints 'Pamir caueat noticeth t contempt of weaker Chri- Aians, amongfl the flrong : mifdeemings vncharitable in weake ones towards the thong. Nor are we, in our times, free from the fault. I fay as Lamer, (My brethren thefe things ought not fo to be. e/I11 Nations are now concorporate, Ephef.3.6. Poore Cod bath chofen,to be rich in faith, heires with vs of the Kingdotne which he bath pronrifed : left them amongß vs, as matterof our CompaPon and liberality. Weake there muff be, that flronger may afford them fupport. Stronger there (hall be, for fuccour of the weake. In admirable wáfedome hath God tempered the body myii- call, fous all the members may haue helpe mutual!, mull needes haue vfe one of another. Wherefore ? but to knit vs together in the nearer bond of loue : fee t Cor. t z. tot. he loues no Saint for fanaitie fake, who loues not all : So is the valedidlion : the falutation Iemaines. For euen Re- ligion allowes ciuill curtef:e : nor arc Apofiles fo precife but to keepe complement : thus you read it. q r Cor. ts.tf 2I. Mag. I0.4 vfe. Ads 6.a: Rom.14.34 ° Iam.2,f. O Mark.14.7. X VER.s.