I COf,1E.21. a..nvv(iDóv/e 'Vvri r./cc1.vr041 V L` n.i V. V E R S. 17,18. The salutation of me Paul with mine owne hand, which is the token in emery Epistle, (ö I write. The grace of our Lord Iefiu Chrift,6e with you all, omen. IN it are three things : the maine matter or svyq;verf. t8.2 the forme or manner,wsth mine owne hands. 3 fpe- cification of the end or vfe, of conueyance in that manner, to be thefiirgne oferery E'pi.flle. The matter or Évx, -ye may obferue to be for fubftance the fame, in allFaúis Epiftles : fpecif cation of the forme, common to this with the firfi fent to Corinth, and that to Colloffe, Col. 4.18. peculiarto.this is,thefignification of the end he aimed at, in choofing that forme of fubfcribing : that is, to characterize his Epiftles, that they might bee difcerned from counterfeits, if any, by impudent fi.aion or forgerie of falfe Teachers, fhould be fathered vp- on him. Where, if the quiere be, what, in the falutatien, is in- tended the figue or character of diftin &ion ? thus you may concciue. Not the iuxñ, or matter ï+lone : for t its not much different that Peter bath in his clofe, i 'Pet. ç. 14. 2 and how eafely had that bin imitated by folle Apofiles? Rather Pains ftyle, or charaEter, or, as we tearme it, his hand, faflaioning the áv; i in fuch figure of literal! chara&- ers , as hardly or not at all could be framed by counter- feits. It fhould feeme the learned Scribes of thofe times, were not fo skilful] in that diuellifb Art of forgerie, as now are the bafea amongfl our mechanicke Scriveners: whi- ther learnd they it of the diuell ? or the diuell of them? But, audacioufnefie of Hcretiques hath neuer bin lefTe then impudence : what forehead,but frontlefí'e,durft haue attempted, fathering their fictions on Apoftles yet fur - uiuing, Strange not, to fee like impudencie at this day in the Sectaries of Antichrifi. Out of like forge came the Recan- tation óf "Mafier Beza; famed to bewaile his oppofïtion to Peperie L