Scougal - BR75 S3 1759

6 The Lift ~f GOD n1ade progrefs in it, are not aCted 0'1ly by external n1otives, driven merely by threa– tenings, nor bribed by promifes, nor con- . firained by laws; but are powerfully in– clined to that which is good, and delight in the performance of it. The love '\vhich a pious n1an bears to God and good– n~fs, is not fo n1uch by virtue of a con1mand injoining him fo to do, as by a new nature infirucring and promp ting him to it: nor cloth he pay his devotion as an un– avoidable tribute only t~) appcafe the divine jufl:icc, or quiet his clamorous con– fcience; but thofe religious excrcifes are the proper emanations of the divine life, the natural en1ployment of the new-born foul. I-Ie prays, gives thanks, and re– pents, not only becaufe thefe things, are con1manded, but rather becaufe he is fcn– fible of his wants, and of the divine good– n efs, and of the folly ahd mifery of a finful lif-e. His charity is not forced, nor his alms extorted from him: his loye 1nakcs hin1 willing to give; and though there · were no outward obligation, his heart would de7Jije liberal things. · Inju– fiice or intemperance; and all other vices, are as contrary to his tt:mper and confl:i– tution, as the bafetl: actions are to the mofr generous fpirit, ~nd impudence and fcurrility ..