Scougal - BR75 S3 1759

roo The Life of GOD very liberal foretafte of thofe pleafures, wherein we had placed our everlafling feiicity. But yvhen we come once to con– ceive aright of thofe pure and fpiritual plea– fures; when the happinefs we propofe to otufelves, is from the fight, and love and enjoyn1ent of God, and our minds are £llcd with the hopes and forethoughts of that bleffed eftate, 0 how n1ean and con– temptible will all thi!1gs here below appear in our eyes! With what difdain fhall we rejecr the grofs and n1uddy pleafures that · would deprive us of thofe celeO:ial enjoy– n1ents, or any way unfit and indifpofe us for them! The lafl: branch of religion is humility: Humility arifes from the confi– deration of our _f~1ilings. and fure we can never want n1atter of conGderation for begetting it. All our wickcd– neffcs and imperfecrions, all out· follies and our fins, may help to pull down that fond and overweening conceit which we are apt to entertain of ourfelves~ That which makes any body efteen1 us, is their knowledge or apprehenfion of fon1e little good, and their ignorance of a great deal of evil that 1nay be in us: were they thoroughly acquainted with us, they would quickly change their opinion. The thoughts that pafs in our heart in the bell:· and·