ro6 The Life of' GOD· negleCt or carelefs performance or this duty is one of the chief caufes that bedwarfs oar religion, and makes us continue of fo low a fize. .. But it is time I fhould pui a clofe to this letter, which is grown to a far greater bulk than at firfi I intended. If thefe poor papers can d\) you the fi11allefi fer– vice, I !hall think myfelf very happy in this undertaking: at leaft I am. hopeful' you will kindly accept the fincere ende1... vours of a pcrfon who would fain acquit himfelf of fome part of that which he o~es you. . A P R A Y E R. AND now, 0 moJll;racious God, jl1ther an'rl fountajn of mercy lmd go/Jdnefl who bafl blejfed us with t he knowledge of ~ cur happinefs, and the way that leadeth unt~ it, excite in our fouls fuch ardent de.fjres after the one r:s mdy put us .forth to the di– l~gent pr~Jecu'iioJt of the other. Let us neither pre/ume 9 1-; our own flrength, nor d~llrufl thy divine af!iflanc~; but, while wtt are doing our utm~fl endt>avours, teach ttJ flill to depend on thee fir fuccefs. Open our eyes, 0 God, and teach tts out of thy· law. Blejs us with an exa8 and tender jenfo ' "'