Scougal - BR75 S3 1759

' ' :{h.e.Jztp~rior Excellency . - ....... ~ - .... / of this earth. \Vhatever be in this, furc I :.un that t.he knowledge o'r ·God, and the frequent thoughts of heaven, mufi needs prove far n1ore effeCtual to elevate and ag– gran di ze the n1ind. \i\/hen once the foul by contetnplation is raifed to any right ap– preheniion of the divine perfe·crions, and the foretafies of celeftial bl ifs; how will this, world, and all that is in it, vaniih and ·dif– appear before his eyes! with what holy difdain· will he look down upon things,. which are the higheft obj eCts of other mens· ambitious defires! All the fplendor ofcourts, all the pageantry of greatnefs, will no n10re· da,zzle his eyes, than the faint lufh:e of a glow·~worm wili trouhlc the eagle, after it hath been. beholding the fun. He is little· concerned who ohtained this dignity, or that fortune; who fits highefl at table, or· goes firfi out of the door4 · His thoughts are· taken upwith greater matters; howhe !half pleafe his maker, and obtain an interefi: in that land of promife, fon1e of the fruits. whereof he bath a-lready tafied. And fronl· thence arifeth that confrant and equal frame·_ offpirit, which the pious man's tnina main– tains. in all the changes and viciffitudes of things; while he who hath nothis fpirit ba.– lanced vvith religious principles, is lift up, and