Scougal - BR75 S3 1759

I 3o The foperior Excellency and for whom they have 111any tin1es a~ little kindnefs or COJ1cerm.ent, as 1an inn– ](eeper for his guefis; 'nor are they lefs mercenary than he; the one fells his n1cat · -· for 1noney, .the other for pra{fe. Far more generous is the praCtice of the pious man; ' ·who, as he chufeth n1oH to benefit thofe· · who can n1ake him no rccOD.'1pen~e, fo he– doth not trouble the world with the noife ·.. of his charity; yea his ,}ift hand kmnveth not ·what his right hand bejlowe~h :· a;1d that which cloth niofl: endear his bounty, is the· love and affection \vhcnce it proceeds. VIe fnall name but one infiance more wherein the righteous man excel!eth his. neighbour; and that is, his venerabl:e tern.: peran~e an_d purity. He hath rifen above · the vaporous fphere of fenfual pleafurer w·hich darkeneth and deh.afeth the n1ind~ which fuHies its Iufire, and abates its native , vigour; while profane perfons, wa}Jowing in impure lufts, do fink themfelves below _the condition of n1en. Can there be any fpark of generofity, any degree ofexcellen-· cy in hin1 who makes his belly his god, or places his felicity in the ,etnbraces of a frrutnp'et? We fpoke before of the fiavery,. we fjJeak now' of the deformity of thefe fins; and ihall ·add, that one of the n1oft iha1ncful