Scougal - BR75 S3 1759

l 36 11Je foperior Excellency excellent t'hing, in the world? What de- ' !.ign can they propofe unto themfelvs by , this kl_Qd of impiety? Woul4 they have reli– gion baniihed fron1 the face ofthe earth and .... forced to retire for ibatne? What a goodly "\vorld ihouJd we then have of it! what a l.ine harmony ·and' order of things! Ccr– tainly the earth would becon1e a kind of l1e}l, with-twnu~ts and fcditions, rapines and n1urdcrs, fc:cret n1alice, and open frauds, by every vice and every ca}amity. ~Tis Qnly fon1e little remainders of piety and virtue in the world that keep it in any to– lerable condition, or make it poffible to-be inhabited. And muft not thefe be wretch- _ ed perfons, and 'voful enemies ton1ankind,. who do what they can to reduce the -vvorld to fucn a mif.erable condition ?But let then1 ' do what they will; they but l<:rck againfi· the pricks: Religion hath fo tnuch na... tive lufhe and beauty, that, notwithftand– ing .all the dirt they fiudy to cafi upon it, aH the 1nelancholy and defom1ed fuapes they drefs it in, it will atrack the eyes and adn1iration of all fober and ingenious pcr– fons: and while thefe men fludv to n1ake it – ridin1lous, they fhall but mal\:~ themJelvcs fo. A.nd 0! that they would confider how dc~.r they are to pay for thofe dull and in- \ . fipid