Scougal - BR75 S3 1759

us, and "' vvho continue to do and wiih ns mifchief; and that we never defign any -other revenge, againtl our~1110fi bitter an.d inveterate enemies, than to wifh thcn1. well, _and do the1n all the gooa we can, . "~hether they will or not: for unto thoje thqt hear him, our Saviour faith, Lrrue ]Ot)r . ; . enem1es. - But, a-las!. ho\v little i& this n1inded -by the greater part of thofe who call theln- . felvcs Chrifiians,! Other precepts are brok– en and flighted, but this indufl:rioufiy baf~ :fled and difcredited by us. In other cafes we acknowledge our fault, bu~ t:l:udy to qualify and excufe it by the frailty of our nature, or violence Gf a temptatien: (We are all finners ; it is a fault indeed; but "who can help it?) Now, thefe excufes, God knows, are very fri volous 1 . and will be of no force in the great day . · of our accounts; yet they imply fon1e:– thing of n1odefl:y and ingenuous a(:know– ledgement; and 1nen n1ay 1 repent and. for– fake what they already condemn. But ita. the inH:ance of loving enemies, and par– doning offences-, n1~ny are fo bold and Impudent, tlnt, infl:ead of obeying,- they quarrel with the law·as impoffible or un· jufi:; paffing fentence upon that py whic.h thcn1felves