Scougal - BR75 S3 1759

158 Tbe indifpenfable Duty itpon his bead, to mollify his obdurate ten1per, and overcon1e his evil byour good; . ~ but not to aggravate his guift and· punifh– n1ent, as fome n1ifl:ake -the words: for though that be n1any times the iifue, yet ought it not to be anypart of our defign. · LaHly, Becaufe all that we can do for the good ofenemies fignifies little, we n1ufi: ~n1ploy our interdl: in the court of heaven – in-their behalf, begging of G·od that he would turn their hearts to: hin1felf and. to us, and blefs then1 with the pardon ofall their fins, particularly the wrongs they have done to ourfelves, and with all things neceffary f-or their prefent welfare or future happinefs. Pray fir them that dejpitefully ttje you. And this ls the fureH: evidence of our charity to the1n~ Mild words n1ay be ddigned as a fnare to intrap them, and · courtefyi n1ay"' be ·done then1 to .ferve our vanity, or a generous kindQf pride; which n1ay n1t1:ke us delight to have our ene– ll1J indebted to us, as kno·wing that it is . n1ore glorious in the eyes of the world to raife a fallen adverfary, than to trarnple on him. , But it n~ufl: be only obedience to God's commands, and fincere love to our enemy; which can n1ake us_take him -into our · clofet~ and into our heart: to !hare· o:ur