Scougal - BR75 S3 1759

:r6o T!Je indijpcJJfitble D ttfy fofrequent, and all our dif-cotufes ravifhli1g ;. let our other attainments be never fo great, and our confidence of our >falvation never· fo fiTo~1g: yet, if we refufe to obey this precept, ·we are none of Chrill' s 9ifciples; or, in thewords of:tlie Apofl:le, we ri1ay fay 71Jough IJpeak ·with the tongues if men and angels; tbough I have.t~e g·ift aj prophec:r, · 411d underfland all -myjleries, and all kno1u– ledge; and though 'I befiow all my goodJ· to .feed tbe poor·;y .eaalthough I gi1le n1:J body to lie burned, dnd have not this charity and love, ~ven to mine enernies, it profiteth me no– thing. And· our Saviour hhnfdf tells us in-exprefs terms that tmlefi ?.Ue jorgJveothers their trefpaffes, neither ~ill God jorghu: t/J'. ottrs. -y ·ea, he hath. taught us to praY for pardon, in . fuch te.rn1s as ·in1ports . a dreadful cude upon oudelves, if we are Jnalicious and rev:engeful, while we beg God~ ·would pardon us in the fame n1anner tbat we pardon thofe who fin againfl: us;. fubfcribing,. as it were, wlth. our own hands, and confirn1ihg out of our owa n1ouths, that fentence whic_h ihali b·e pronounced againfl: us; for even fo will God forg·i·ue us, i. e~ he will take vengeance on us, if we have dealtTo with other-s. thofe • I . who do 11ot love tl1eir enen1ies, dobeg thdr ~ own ·