Scougal - BR75 S3 1759

170 The inJifpenJa'ble Dtlty _Another prejudice againfl: this :precept; ·i~ That .it feem·s to encourage injudes, by ~hopes · of impunity and -reward; giving ·the delinquent occafion to expecr ·.Kindnefs ~and love, irrfl:cad ofthe puni.fhme-nt which be deferves and fo we ·fhoula draw upon ·:ourfelves a fecond injury by ,not -requiting . :the firfi. But we have already td1d you;that this ;precept does not forbid the exercife of ju– :fiice_by thofe to whon1 the fword is com– snitted, when the pnblick fecurity ·call.sfor it. I As.a parent mayat once ~love and correCt his "child, fo rnay a judge be .in ·charity ' with the perfon -he does ·punilh. And though tit ihou1d be granted, that by pardoning injurie-s, we do expofe our felves to new ,ones .: yet w6~1d this a1nount to no more, but that we may fuffer hardlliips by our .obedience to God ; which I hope is note– nough .to difpenfe with ·our duty. But tru– ly the n1atter. goes not con1n1only thus: for if \VC conf'l:llt either our own obfervation, Q_r the experience of others, we !hall find, that n1·eek and charitable perfons are moft , feldom expofed to injuries, or engaged in troubles. He mu.Jl: needs be a defperately wicked pcrfon, who will offer a fecond in– j.ury tG one who hath requited the firfl: witll