Scougal - BR75 S3 1759

' o.r early AJlliE!ionJ. I 8:; ' profit, t!Jat we may be pa'rtakcrs of h-is ho~ ' linefi. ~olinefs is the highdr perfeCtion and greatefl: ha.ppinefs we are capable of: it is a real participation of .the divine l)a– ture, the in1age of God drawn on the foul: atid all the chafiifments we meet widi, are defigned to reduce us to this ble!fed tetn- ' per, to n1ake us like un;o himfdf; and thereby capable to be happy with hin1 to ,all eternity. This will more clearly ap– pear, if we· reflecr on the natural ten1per of our tninds, and the influence which pro- . fperous or adverfe fortune is )Vont to have. upon then1. .. And, firfl, ·we are naturally proud 'and {elf-conceited; _we have an high efl:een1 of . Rurfel,ves, and would have every body elfe to value and efteen1 us. This difeafe is very deeply rooted in our· corrupt nature: it \s ordinarily the firfi fin that bewrays it– felf in the little aCtions and pailions of chilqren; and many times the lafl: which religion enables us to overco1ne. - And fuch is the nialignity of its nature, that it· renders us odious and... vile both in the fight of God and man. It cannot but be infi- . nitely difpleafing to that great and glorious, l\1ajefl:y, to fee fuch filly creatures_ whon1 ' he hath brcught forth, out of noehing, and Q~ who