Scougal - BR75 S3 1759

I 9~ The Nece.ffity anll AJva11tag-e. -rule of righteoufnefs, of doing unto others as we would be done unto ourfelves, ·we ihot}'ld foon be convinced of a great deal 1nore guilt and finfurnefs in fuch difcourfe than we are wol}t to apprehend. How Hl do we take it to have our failings thus expofed, and to 'hear that any perfon hath made as bold with us as we are wont to· n1ake with others? Again how loth would we be;thatthe perfons ofwhon1 we fpeak fo freely, fhould overhear our difcourfe, or be informed of it? Now, if the pracnce hJtd nothing blameable 1n .it_, why f4·ould we be · fo fhy to avow.-it? · -1 have only hinted at ·ihefe things: but he who fhall (erioufiy ·ponder them, wil'l · acknowledge, ,d1ere .is no little · prejudice even in thofe· errrertainments 'Which pafs for very 'innocent in the world; and that :lle ·fhunneth much ·guilt and tnany fnares who jittet!J alo11e and keepeth .fileJ;ce. But folitude and retirement do ·not only deli– ver us from thefe inconveniencies, but alf6• nfford very excellent opportunities for bet– tering our fouls..- Thofe hours ·we n1ifpend jn needlcfs vifrts and 'idle talk, if rightly +m·proved, n1ight fet us a great way forward on ·our journey to heaven.. While we are !!0.0 bufy .in l11aking or entertaining ac- ·g_uaintance