Ofearly Aifli8ion!. 199 ,quaintance with n1en, we many times fall out of acqua-intance both with God and ourfclves. The mofl: profane ~nd irreligious per– fans will find fome ferious thoughts rife in their minds if they be much alone-. And the more that any -perfon is advanced in piety and goodnefs, the more will he de– light in retirement.,, and receive the more benefit by it. 'Then it is that the devout foul takes its highefi: flight in divine con– templations and maketh its neareft ap– proaches to God. I find the vulg·ar Latin · rendereth the words of tbe text, Sedebit · jl;litarius & tacebit, quia le7.Iavit ft fopra fl: Thejo!itary perfon will fit flit! and hold his peace, becauje he bath lifted up rhimjelf above himfllf; raifed his fpirit above his ordinary pitch. In filitudine (faith one of the fathe~s) ,aer purior, cr.elum .aperlius, fomiliarior Deus ·: In fiHtude we breath, as it were, in a purer air, ,hea7;en is more open 'Unto us, andGodis mit·e_farni!iar mz~frequent in his vijits. To which pu rpofe fon1e have applied that of theProphet I-iojea, Beho:'d, l will allure her, and brin,g her into t!Je wildernefs, and there }peak comfortably unto her; or, as the .original importeth, I wilt Ji?eak u11to her hearto That rule which ,our