Scougal - BR75 S3 1759

2oo The Nece!fity and Advantagt! ·;our Saviour giveth for our devotion, to ,enter our cloftt, andfout thedoor behind us, is ·as neceffary to preferve us fFGm di– Jl:raCl:ion, as from vanity and ofrentation. 'When we have retired as much as ·we caD fron1 the world, we do fl:ill carry too n1uch. ..of it along with us, The images of things: do fufficien.tly perfecute and difturb us,. though we be not expofed to the objeCts.· themfelves. Our bldfed Saviour thought ~not the mountains and defarts retired enough for his devotions; but would add: ·the darkn.efs and fi1ence ofthe night. Little .cloth the w,orld underfl:and thofe fecret. .and hidden pleafures which devout fouls do feel, ·when, having got out of the noife· and hurry of .the world, they .fit alone– and ;keep filence, contemplating the divine· perfections, which fhine fo confpicuou£ly in all his works of wonder; admiring his-. .greatnefs, and ·wifdom, and love, and re– ·volving his favours towards themfelves ;: .opening before hi1n ~their griefs and their· , <:ares, and diiburdening· their fou·Is into his. hofom ; proteftirag their allegiance and: fubjeetion unto him, and telling hin1 a– :thoufand :-times that they love him ; and then liflening unto the voice, of God with- :in their hearts, that Jl:ilLa;nd quiet voice, which