Scougal - BR75 S3 1759

.Ofear[y AjfliElions. 2or which is not wont to be heard in the fireets, that they may hear what God the Lord will fpeak: for he will fpeak peac~ unto his people, and to his faints, and vifit the1n with the expreffions of his love. No– wonder if thofe bleffed fouls who have tafl:ed the pleafures of holy retirement, and found themfelves, as it were, in the fuburbs. of heaven, grow weaty of company and affairs, anJ_long for the returning of thofe happy hours, as the hireling for the fhades, of the evening: no wonder they pity the foolifh bufy world, who fpend their days in vanity, and know not what it is ind~ed to live. - But here I VI(Ould not be mifl:aken, as if - I recommended a total and confl:ant re– tirement, or perfuaded men to forfake the · world, and betake then1felves unto de– farts. No certainly; we mufl: not abandon the fiations wherein God hath placed us, nor render ourfelves ufelefs to mankind. ~olitude hath its temptations, and we may be fometin1es very bad co1npany to our– felves. It was not without reafon that a wife perfon warned another, who profeffed to delight in converfing \Vith himfelf, Vide ttt cum, homine pt;obo: Have a care that you be keeping con1pany with a gqod man. Abufed