206 That there are hut .. - fured that there are different, and very oppoG.te eftates of · departed fouls, fome being adn1itted into happihefs, and others doon1ed to mifery,- beyond any thing that we can conceive ; tnis .may put them upon farther inquiry, How mankind is like ~o be divided? whether heaven or . hell lhall have the greater .fhare? Siich a laudable curiofity as this it was, that put one of our bleffed Saviour's followers to propofe the quefti9n -in the text, Lord, ·are there few that be javed? Our Saviour had lYeen lately foretelling . the great fuccefs · the - 'gofpel fuould have ; how, like a little leaven ·that qui-ckly fermenteth the whole lump it is put into, Chri~ianity fhould foon propagate itfelf through the world, and many nations ·en1brace the ·p~ofeffion . of it. This difciple 1 it feems, was defirous : .. to know, whether the efficacy fhould be anfwerable to the extent? whethe'r it fuould take as deep root in the hearts of thofe tha~ · owned it, as it was t9 fpread itfelf far and ' wide on the face of the earth "? in a word, . - ·whether the greatefi part of n1en were to . be faved by it ? I ·called this a laudable cu- . r1ofity; and there is reafon to think it fo, fince our Saviour himfelf, who be~ knew the occafion and in1portance of it, clot-h