A finall J.Vumber fo·ved. not check, but fatisfy the inquiry; which he was wont to do when the qucfiions vvere ufclefs or blameable. Thofe \vho ' ii1quired into the tin1e of the general judg– nlertt, received no other account, but that it ,was inter arccma imperiij ap.1ong thofe fecrets which God refcrved for himfelf.. And, again, when they aiked of the time t.hat the ki11gdonz jhould be rejlared unto J;f– t·ad, he tells the1n roundly, it was not for them, it concerned theln not at all to know fuc.h things as thefe. But · l1ei·e, as the , quefl:ion feen1s to have proceeded from a zeal to the honour of God,· and conccrn– n1ent iri, the happinefs pf n1ankind: fo the refolution of it n1ight be very ufeful: and accordingly it is in1proved by our Saviour; -who afonce rcfolves the doubt, ana pre!f– eth a very weighty exhortation, in the fol- . lowing words. Strive to enter in, &c. . We are not at this time to profecute the \vhole in1portance of this latter verfe j for that we (·efer you to an excellent fcrmon, intitled, Tbe -way f,; happhz~fs. We !hall only con– fider the anfwer which is i1nplied in it to the foregoing quefiion; to wit, that ~he number of thofe who are to be faved is r'– a11y Gn all. s 2 It '