Scougal - BR75 S3 1759

,, ~os That there are but It is on this point vve defign to fix our n1editations at this titne. And indeed there is karce any_ doctrine that necd~th to be n1ore inculcated: for, an1ongfr all the frra– tagems whereby the great eoemy of n1an– kind cloth plot and contrive their ruin, few are n1ore unhappily fuccefsful, than the f ond ·perfuafion he bath filled them with, tha t h eaven and everlatl:ing happinefs are eafily attainable. · What one faith of wif– dom, _Mu lti ad,fopientiam pervenijfent 1ziji putilJ!ent fe per·venffe, we may, with a little alteration, apply unto; this purpofe; That ' many n1ight have reached heaven, .if they had not been fo con~dent of it. Thedoors of the Chritl:ian church are now very wide, , and n1eu have accefs unto thetn upon eafy tern1s: · nay this privilege defcends unto 1nen by their birth, and they are reckoned among Chrifl:ians before they come well to know what it n1eans. The ordinance;s and n1yfte.ries of our religion are con1mon to ' all, fave thofe whon1 grofs ignorance or notorious crimes do exclude. ·There are no n1arks on the foreheads of men where– by we can judge of their future conditio,n : · they die, and are laid in their graves, ~nd none con1eth · back to tell how it fareth . with thetn; and we defire to think the beft of '