Scougal - BR75 S3 1759

-A findll Nu17zber .foved. 209 of ·every particular perfon. But, whatever . charity be in this, there is little prudence in the inference that 111any draw from it, who think that they may live as their neigh– bours do, and die as happily as they j and, fince the greatefl: part of t;neo are fuch as then1fclves, heaven n1ufi be a very en1pty · place if all of the1n be <debarred. .Thus · perhaps you have feen a flock of fheep on a bridge, and the firfl: leapeth over, and the refl, not knowing what is . become of tbofe that went before, do each of thetn . follow their con1panions into that hazard .or ruin. Interefi ·and fdf-love do fo flrongly blind the tninds of n1en, that they < hardly be put from the ,belief of that which they would very fain have true. f-Ience it h, that, notw!tflanding of all we are told to the contrary, the opinion of the hroadnefs of the way that leads to heaven, and the eafy accefs unto it, is fiill the n1oft epiden1ick~ and I think the n1ofl: danger<Yus herefy. lVIany of tha commonalty are {() ignorant as to avovv it; and the fhange fe- , 'curity of more knowing perfons cloth as ' loudly proclahn it. I know he undertakes · an unwelco1ne errand; who ··goes aGout to : ·.difpoffefs the n1inds of men of fuch a plea– fant and flattering error. But what !hall S 3 we .·