2 I o 'That -there are but we do! Shall we fu:ffer then1 to ileep on and take their \ reft, · till the evcrlafiing f.lames awake then1? Shall we draw their blood on our heads, and in~olve ourfelves in their ruin, by negleCting to advertife thetn of their hazard? No, n1y friends: ' .duty cloth oblige us, and the holy fcrip– ttircs \vill warrant us to affure you, that there are very .fe·w that j!Jall be faved: that the ?»hole w,orfd lieth in wickednejs * ·j . and that they are a little flock to whom the F,a– tber VJi!l ,~·ive the kh~{{donz f. That · this _certain, though lamentabl~ truth n1ay take the deeper impreffion on our minds, we fhall firft propofe fome <::·onfidcrations for the better underfiand– ing what great things ·are required in thofe ·who look for eyerlafiing happinefs, and then refleCt pn the aCtions and ways of n1en; that con1paring the one with the o– tlv:?r, we may fee -how little grourid of . l1opc there is for ·the greatefl: part t~ build on. Firft, then, con'fider the nature of that . .divine Majdty, whofe prefence and enjoy– ·nlcnt it is.that makes heaven ddirable; anq think how inconfifient it is .with his infi– -nite holinefs, to adn1it impure and impehitent i· Luke xii. 32.