Scougal - BR75 S3 1759

~I 2 That there are bttf God accor~ing to their own wi!hing, as if he were but an empty name; and this is the com\non fhelter againft every convin– cing reproof. But this temerity fhall at length fu'fficiently confute itfelf, and feel that jufiice which it will not believe. 1'here is not fl:rife a1nong the attributes bf God, that one of thetn fhall f\vallow up _another. · Mercy is open to all that for– fake their fins, but jufl:ice fhall feize on thofe who continue in thetn,. That corn- ~ paffion which made God to give his dearefl: Son for the redemption of tnankind, will never prevail for the pardon and deliver– ance of any in1pcnitent finner~ Abufed goodnefs will certainly turn into fury; ·and infinite mercy, being defpifed, £hall bring .down upon finners all the dreadful dfc&s -of an omnipotent vengeance.. Confider, fecondly, what that happinefs is which every body cloth fo confidently pron1ife to then1felves; and fee ·whether it ·- be likely that it fuould be fo eafily attained. Glorious things are every where fpoken of that heavenly Jerufizlem j and all that is ex– cellent or ddirable in this world, is bor– row~d ~o fhadow it forth i1'l the holy fcrip– tures: we are told of crowns, and ki'ng– donls, and treafures, and rivers of pleafure, and