A finall N umber .faved. 2 r 3 and founta ins of living waters, and of ao exceeding eternal weight of glory. But ·all thefe do not fu ffice to convey in- . to.our min ds any full apprehenfion of the h appinefs vve expeCt; and after all tha_t can be faid, it clo th not Y~.t appear what we fuall be. Thefe n1 etaphors and allego– ries fe rve but to ailifl: our n1inds a little, and give us fome confufed- apprehenfions of things that eye hath not feen, 1tor ear heard; 11or can it enter into the heart of men to conceive, · what ~ God hath. prepared fir them that love ··bim, faid that beloved dif– ciple that lay in the bofom of our Saviour. Can we then expeCt tha~ fo glorious a prize lhall be gained without any labour-? Shall fuch a recon1pence be beftowed on t!1ofe who never were at any pains about it~· ' What toil and travail doth it coil: a n1an to - gather together that white and yellow earth which they call money? With what care and pains do others afcend to any degree of prefern1cnt? )Vhat indufhy and :fl:udy do n1en en1ploy to reach a little know– ledge, and be reckoned an1ongft the learn– ed? And ihall heaven and evcrlafting hap– pinefs fi ide into our arn1s \vhen we arc a– flcep ? No, certainly. G od will never difparage the glories of that pla.ce, to befi:ow .> · them I