Scougal - BR75 S3 1759

2 'I 4 · That there· are but ' them on thofe who have not thought then.1 worthy ·of their 1nofl: ferious endea·rours. But as the gre4tnefs of that happinefs may juftly difcourage all the lazy pretenders to it, fo the nature of it leaves fi11all ground of hope to the greatefi partof the world. I wonder "vhat n1ofi n1en do expeCt: to meet with in heaven, who drean1 of coming thither. Think they to feaft - and revel, .and luxuriate there, and to fpend eternity in fooliih n1irth, and vain talk; il]. fport and drollery, and fenfual "pleafure; which are all the exercifes they are capable of, or find relifh or fatisfaftion in? Away with all thofe Turkijh notions, whereby we dif– fparage the happinefs \ve pretend to. ·The joys of that place are pure and fpiritual, 2nd no unclean thing .!hall enter there. The felicity of bldfed fpirits fiandeth in beholding and adtniring the divine perfec– tions, and finding the hnage of then1 Jhin– ing in then1fdves, in a perfeCt conformity of the will and nature of God, and an in– timate and delightful fociety and cotn– n1union with him: and ihall fuch fouls be bleffed in feeing and partaking of the di– vine likenefs, vvho never loved it, and · w:ould chufe any thing rather than to con- · verfe with hin1? A little rcflexion on the· COll1ll10ll /