A final! Number foved. z r5 comn1on te1nper of 1nens minds may affure us, that they are very far fron1 that' n1eetnefs · and aptitude for the inheritance if the faints ' in light >A'- which the Apoflle fpeaks of. The notion and nature of bld.fednefs mufi fure be changed, or elfe the ten1per of their fpi– rits; either they mufl: have ne\V hearts, or a new heaven created for them, before they can be happy. It is a firange infatu– ation of felf-love, that n1en in the . g~ll of bitternefs ihould think it' is well with their fouls, and fancy themfelves in a cafe good .eno~gh for 'the enjoyment of divitie plea-:– fures. · In the fourth pbce, Let us refleCl: on tbe attempts and endeavours of thofe. who have gone to heaven before us; how did they - fight and flrive, wrefile and run, .for ob– taining that glorious prize; and vve !hall fee how in;1probable it is, that the gre~tefl: / part of n1en fbould con1e by it with fo little pains. Noah, Abraham, Jacob, Da– vid, and all thofe ancient worthies record– ed in holy writ, have either done or fuf- . fered fo great things, as gave ground to ex– pect that country · they looked after, ac– counting themjelves flrangers and pilgrims en the earth; as you n1ay fee in the I I th chapte.r Col. i, 12.