' 2 r o T'hat there a:re but , I -chapter of I-leb~e?.vs: where after a large catalogue of their perfonnances, the au- , thor teHs us of others, who ·were tortured, · not acceJ.Dthzg deli·verance, that the_y might obtain a b-etter rejitrre8ion. And others had trial of cruel1rzockings, and fcourging·s, _yea moreover, of bo.nds a1td impriftmmeut. They ' were jlmzed, the_y 'Were fo·wn ifunder; were tempted, 'were .flain with the fword: . they '•:wanderedabout in j!Jeep-Jkins, andgoat-fo.it1s; :being dejlitute, .ajfiifled., tormented: of' whom the '7JJorld 7JJas not worthy. They wandered in ·defarts, a·11d irJ uiountains; and j.~,z dens and caves ~f the earth. Such alfo was that holy violence '?!herewith the Chrifl:ians of the :firft and golden ages did force open the gates of heaven, and took poifeffion of it,. The ardent affeCtion wherewith thefe blef– fed fouls were inflan1ed towards their ma– ker at:d redeemer, made them willingly give up their bodies to be burned, in the fire, for the glory of God, and the propa– gation of the Chrifl:ian faith. Their con– fiancy in their fufferings did an1aze their hloo9y perfecutors, ~nd outweary the cru– elty of their torm.entors; and they rejoiced in nothing 1nore, than that they were qc– couJ~ted ...worthy to fo.lfer jhame for the nanze .~ . if Jejiu. And what fhall we fay of their .unh;erfai