That there are but fue for it \Vith tears, and fiand n1any ye.ars at the door 4:>f the church, begging to be received. The cenfures of the church were th~n lo0ke~ upon as very fe~ious and dread– ful -things: and they whe would encounter death in the n1ofi: terrible form, would ' tremble if threatned with excon1muni- ·cation. Now, tell n1e, I pray you, _what , ;... you think ot thefe men? Did they fu– pererogate, and go beyond .'their duty?- or were ,they fools in doing thefe things, when half the pains n1ight have ferved the turn? Did heaven. an& happinefs cofi th<:;nl fo n1uch labour, and think you to be carried . faft afleep, or f'!ther while you are bend-· ing your forces quite another way l if you · · cannot look fo far back, or ifyou imagine· lhefc but ron1ances, like the poetick ac– counts of the golden age, wherein all men \vere happy and good,' I ihall then defire ypu to take notice of a few perfons, whom the divine goodnefs hath refcued from that deluge of wickedncfs which overfloweth the world. There are perhaps fon1e two or three in a city, or in - a country, who live very far beyond the con1m.on rate of J:i1en, and n1ay be accounted angels upon <-~rth, if con1pared "vith then1. 'fhey have €ftapcd the pollution that is in the worlds and