Scougal - BR75 S3 1759

.Afinall Nttrnber faved. 2 19 and have learned to defpifc all the vanities of it; their affeCtions are above, and their · gre:atefl: hu~nefs ;js, to pleafe and fervc their ~-- ~11aker ~ th~i_r . thoughts and affections are iri a great n1eafure ho'ly :l·~:·j -}1 ur.e~ the_ir ·converfe innocent and ufeful, and in their – whole deportment they obfcrve fuch fhict . rulcs·of 11olinefs-a.nd virt-ue, a-s others lnay think needlefs ·or fuperfiitious: and yet ·thefe perfons a·re deeply fenfible of their -own imperfeCtions, and afraid enough to come iliort .of heaven. I fpeak not now of thofe fcrupulaas perfor1s wl~otn n1elan– choly cloth expo_fe unto perpetual and unac– ,countabic fears; much lefs .of others, vvho l11ake, a trade of conlplain-ing, and would. • be the .better -thou~ht .of for fpeaking evil ·, · ·of themfelves, and would be very ill pleafed if you ' fhould believe them. l fpeak or rational a-nd fobec men, whofc .fears arife from theit due confideration a_nd meafurcs.. -of things, from the right apprehenfions they have of the holinefs of God, and the ·meaning and importance of the gofpel– ,preccpts. And certainly fuc:hholy jcaloufie-& .. ·over · thernfcl:ves- .ought not to he judged nccdlcfs ; Gnce St P ttu.l .hirt1felf, vd1o bad been rapt · up into the :third heaven, and' thereby n:cciv.ed .an. .carndt of eternal hap- - 'P ~ '1 erc:: ; . J. """l :.~