Scougal - BR75 S3 1759

T hat there are but pinet~, found it neceffary to take care, ler1 tbat ~Y a ;~y means, wbi!e he preached to others, h,imje!f jhould be a cafi-away*, I kno\Y it is ordinary for n1cn to laugh at thofe ,vho _ar::.:: --;~"l Gie fcrlous and confcientious then themfdvcs, to \Yonder what they ain1 at, and to hope to be as fure of heaven as they. But ere long they fhall difcover their n1iHake, and .!hall fay, with thofe fpoken of in the book of J!/ifionz, 'This 'Ivas he 'Wbom t-ve had flm,etimes in, deri(£on, and a p roverb of repro(J,fh, Tf7e fools accounted 1/Jis lift mptlnejs, cmd his end to be ·witho fl lnnour. I-lo:J» is he numbered arnong the cbi!dren of G·od, an·d his lot is among the } 'lints! Therefore have 7-Ue erred from the reuqy of truth, and the ligtJt ~frighteoufoefl bath no~ fhined unto us, and the fun oj' righ– t eo~t/itejs , roft ttof upon t<~s. · To come yet clofer unto our prefent purpofe, a ferious con fideration of the laws and precepts of the gofpel, will' fully con– vince us of the Jlraitnejs of the gate, and 1wrr rrw nejs of' the 'U:'.'!J that leads unto eter– nal lif e. \Ve cannot - nan1e then1 all, nor · infi i1 up(Jn any at length. Look throug.h · th at excellent j ermon on the mount, and (ee v;h~t our Saviou( cloth require of his · £ollovvers. * 1 Cor. xi. 27.