A fined! l\tumber fo·ved. 2 2<! '·'- followers. You will find hin1 injoining fuch a profound httnzility, .as !hall make \15 think nothing ofourfelv~s, and .be .c.ontent that others ·think nothing of _us.; a rne~knefs 'which no injl.uiescan ove.rcan1e, no affronts nor indignities can exafper.ate; - a ch:1jl-ity :whi.ch rdl:ra.intth tlie fight -of the eyes., and the wandering of the deft res; fuch an univerfal charity as will rnake us tender · pther tnen~ ·,:welfare as ou~ o;wn, and nev;er ,to take any revenge againfl: our n1of1: bitter 'enen1ies, but to wi!h .them well, and to d<9 the1n all ,the good we c.an, whether ·they :will or .not. What.evcr ,corrupt glo.ffes men ,are bold ,to .put on our Saviour's words, ,the offering the o~hcr cheek .to him who £note .the one, and the ,giv.ing our coat to hin~ who hath t~ken ·our cloak', cloth .Pblige us -to (uffer injurks_, ar:d part with Ion1cthing of our .right, for avoiding frrifc and contention. The ·.pulling out our right eye, and .cutting off our right hand .that offends, doth .in1port the renouncing ~of the tnofi: gainful callings, or f'leafan~ ~njoyments, . when they, hecorn_e ,.a fnare ~unto us, and the ufe of all thofe corp )ral .aufieriEies that are neceifary for.the reftrain.t -..of our lufl: and corrupt affettions. The r.h.ating of father and Inotb.er for the Jak.e T .3 of