Scougal - BR75 S3 1759

~22 'Tha'i th-ere are lJut ' · , -of Chri!t, cloth at leaft irnply the loving of, hin1 infinitely beyond .our dearefl: rela• tions, and the being ready to part with them ··when either our duty or his will cloth call for it. And we 1nufi 't10t look upon thefe ;rhings as ..onlycounfds of perfec:tion, con1- :Jl1endublc in thcn1felves, but whi-ch n1ay :yet be negle&ed withQ_Ht any .:great haza.rd. l'Jo, certainly; they are abfolutely nccef,.. fary: and ·it is folly to expeCt 'happinefs 'vithout the confcientious and Jincere pe-r... forn1ance of them alL U/hofoever jhall brealc one oj thife leafl com~nandments, and jlJati teach me.Jt fo, he )hall be called the leafl in the ki.r1J5·dom aj' heaven; tha:t is, ac-{:ord– iug to a-ll interpeters. .he foal! have -no ihte– r~fl in it. You fee then by w·ha·t firiB: ~ri.1les he .n1lid1: fquare his a&ions, ·who can ·v,ith any ground :hope to be favcd. But no\v I n1uJt t._ell you further, -that he n1ufl: not be put to the performance of his duty :n1crely by the force and fanctions of thefe 1a\vs.. Tr1:1e religion -is an inwa-rd, free, ·and felf-lr.leving principle; and thofe who have 1nade a progrefs in it, :are not .acred onlyby {external n1otives, are not merdy driven by threatenings, ,n.or ,bribed by pro.mifes, nor .conHrained by laws; ·but arc powerfully il1.clincd to .that wl1kh i~ good. Though how