Scougal - BR75 S3 1759

··~ Afma!l Number faved~ 223 ~oly ·and religious perfons do much eye the law of ·God; yet 'it is not fo R1uch the au– thority aB_dfanc.ti.on. of it, as its reafonable– nefs, and purity, and goodnefs·, that cloth prevail with then1. They account .it ex– .cellent ancl defirable in itfelf, and that hi- . lceepil{~ oflt there is a great reward; and that divine love wherew'ith they are actecf, · makes then1 become a law ·unto then1felves: -~is leg-em del amantibus? Major efl amor 1 lex ipje .fibi. . In a w-ord, what our blcffecl 'Saviour faid of hi1nfelf, is in fame n1eafure applicable to his foHowers, that it is their meat and their ·drink to do .their Father's . will. And as the natural appetite is carried .out t<;:>wards food, though we fhould not :refleCt on the neceffity ,ofit for the .prefer~ ·vation of ot:l'r Jives ; fo they are carried with a. ·natural and ;unforced propenfion {owards that which is . -.good and com111cndab1e. Hitherto we ,have been{peak1ngofthofe ,qualifications which are nece.ffary for ob– ttaining an entran~e into -heaven: It is ~ high 1ime we were cafling our eyes upon the – ·world, to fee how ~he tempers and aCtions J()f n1en agn.~e with .thetn. And iffirfi we ·look back upon the olJ world, we fhaU £ee .how foon wickedne!S did overfpread .the