Scougal - BR75 S3 1759

.. 2-24 That the1~e are but- " :the face of the. ea~th, and all flefu had cor· ·-rupted their \vay: .and ofall tpe multitudes ·that were then i.n t,he wGrld, only Noah and ,his fatnily were found worthy to cfcape the ,.general deluge;' nay even in it there was ~ curfed Cham, the father of a wicked ge– ;neration. After that the church "of God I was confined ·to.a very narrow corner; and ~while darknefs covered .the face .of the -earth, only Pale/line was enlightened with ~he knowledge of God: He .flJe'wed his .word unto Jaccob, his flatutes and his jurlg-- 4rtents unto lftael. But he dealt not jo with ·every nation~· as for hi.s judgme-nts, they ,ha·ve not known them *· They were given 41jh to the lujls of their own hearts, and worp j!Jipped the works of their own handsc Their devotions were .performed ,unto de:– .vils, and.their religious n1yfieries were full -of the gro!Iefi impurities. .J ihall not now enter on the debate Whether ever any ·Heathen n1ight poffibly have been faved? -W-e are more concerned to fecurc our own falvation, than to difpute .about thei1s: and ~et I mufl: ~ay, : that, a1nongfl: .all the lives ,of celebrated I-Ieathens, I could never.tneet Awith the character of a truly good man0 ;And though 1 lov~ not to 9ecry n1oraliry, .Yet ~ .Pfal..cxlv.ii •.19, .~,o. ,.l,