Scougal - BR75 S3 1759

A final! }lumbcrfo·-ved. 225 yet that prideand fdfconceit w~ich n1ing.– led itfelf with their fairdl: aCtions, n1akes n1e look upon thcn1 asindeedJPle11dida pec– .c.ata, a n1ore fpecious kind of fins. But fuppofe fomething ~ould be faid for Soc-– rates and Plato, and two or three others, what is . that to thofe huge n1ulriti.1des, who without ·all peradventure, ran headlong in– to everlaftlng ddlruetion? But let us leave thofe titnes, and}ook upon the prefent con– ·dition of the world. It is a fad acEount of it that is given by Breer-wood in his Enquiries, that dividing the who.le ·world into thirty parts, nineteen are Pagan, fix are Maho– rHetan, and unly five ren1ain for Chrifiians · of all perfuGons. I lhall not warrant the exaB:nefs of his reckoning; but certainly the nun1ber ofChrifrians carr:ies but a very fi11all proportion ro the r~fi ,of n~ankind. An~ of thefe 'again, how few are there or– thodox in their religion? I dare no t con... · den1n all thqfe who live in the Romifo con1n1uni6n: but (ure ~ they lie under very .great di(advantages; and, befides the con~... mon difficulties of CbriHianity, their errors and fuperfiitions are no fi11all hindrances unto them. _ But we rnay perhaps think ourfelcvs · little concerned in then1. Let us confider thofe