226 That there are but thofe who live in comn1union with oun felves, and fee what is to be thought of the generality of them.-- A.nd, firft, we .fhall · find a very great number of thetn fo grosuy ignorant, that they know nGt tbe 7JJay that leads to life. And truly it is not fo broad that people fhould kee it by guefs. And .however they i1nagine: that their ignorance \vill not only be excufable in itfdf, but af– ford a c.loak to their other wickednefs; yet dreadful is that threatening of the Prophet lfiziah, It is a p·eople of no underjlandi11g: th.erefi(e ~e that made them .... I)Jil/ not .ba·ve· uzercy 011 them, a11d be that formed the·m -rzuill flew them no fa-vour. But, befides thofe ' .n1ahy thoufands that periih for la.ck of ·knowledge, ·how great are ·the num.ber of vi~.ious and fcandalous perfons? Remove 'but our gluttons and ~runkards, our th~ves :Clnd deceivers, our oppre!fors and extorti- ~ ,oners, our fcoldcrs and revilers, ,our for– nicators .and adul'Cerers, and aB that curfed_ crew that are guilty offuch heinous crimes, and how thin fhould our churches be? to ·what a fmall number lhould \ve quickly be reduced? A little corner w-ould hold us .all. And think you thefe I have been fpeaking of, are fit to enter into the king– dom of .heaven? Perhaps you n1ay think us