A fomll J.Vumber /ave·d. 227 ils ralh to condemn fo many of our neigh– bours; but .the Apofile bath done it to our h~nds: J(nf)'w ye not tbat the · tmrighteous .foal/ not inherit the kingdom of ' God? Be not deceived: nei-ther fornicators, nor idolaters; _ nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abufirs o.f themjelves 'lvith/Jf11kind, nor thieves, n01~ covetous, nor drunkards, nor reviler.r, nor -extortioners, foal! inherlf the king,dom of God*. · You fee what a heavy fentence is pronounced: and 0 how many are includ.,. ed under id I fhall name one other vice, which I fear will drive in no fmall nun1ber of thofe who are y~t behin.d; and that is; the helliih and unaccountable fin offwear– ing, w,hereby tnen do con1n1ouly throw a- '· way . their ,fouls, without any temptationt pleafure or advantage. -How often do n1en haffie the facred name of God, by c_aHing hitn to witnefs to fuch trifles as they might he afuamed to attefi before any grave or fober perfon? This they account an orna– n1en t of fpeech, and · their words would - ·never (?und · big,enoJJgh without it~ I can– .not fl:and to reckon up all the aggravations of this fin. ~ It is certainly inconfiftent with a religions ten1per; and this alone, if . _there ~ were no more, ·would dan1n the g;reateft ~ c. . _ f. .or, Vl. 9 1 IO.