Scougal - BR75 S3 1759

f228 • 1"haJ there are bttt , I greateft part of the chrifiian world. And what 'fhall we fay of all , thofe other vices, which are fo frequently pracli.fed, yea, and .·defe:nded too among us? for, alas! we are arrived at that height of impiety, that virttte ~nd vice feen1 to have fuifted places, evil , and good to have changed their names. It – is counted a gallant thing, to defpife all di- , vine and human law·s; and a childiih fcru- .. pulofity, to forbear any thing rhat- rpay~ra• tify our lufts. _A fhong faith is account– ed an argument of weak judgn1ent; depen- ~~. dence upon providence is judged want of forefight; and that there is no wit but -in -deceiving others: .no man is reckoned ge– n~rous, unlefs he be ex~remely ambitious; and it is want of courage to forgive an in– jury. 0 Religion, whither art thou fled! I– In what corner of the world fuall we find thee? · fhall YJe fearch thee in courts and palaces of ·great men? Pride and luxury bath driven thee thence; and they are· too n1uch concerned in the bufinefs and plea– fure of this world, to mind rhofe of ano– ther. Shall we feek thee in the- cottages of the poor? Envy and difcontent lodgeth there; their outward want takes up all their thoughts; and they have little regard for thei-r fouls. Shall we go into the city? Cheating