Scougal - BR75 S3 1759

4fowll JVunrber foved. 229 Cheating and extortion, and intemperance., are almoH: all we can meet \:vith there. And if we ret:ire into the country, we ihall find as little innocence in it. ·lif7e nu-ty ·look fir judgment, but behold oppre/Jion; for · righteoufoefs, but behold a cry. After all that we have hitherto faid, foine n1ay think themfClves fafe enough, b~ing conlcious of, l:10ne ofthofe vices which we 11ave nan1ed. But, ala;·!,what is all this? They 111ay fiill he far , fron1 the kingdon1 of heaven. Rdi-– gion ·ftands not in negatives; .and ,the being \ free from' grofs and fcand.alous vices, 'is a poor plea for .heaven. Look ~o~ thy foul is furnifhed with thofe divine graces, ·which , ought to qualify thee for it. . I ihall na1ne but one; and it is, the love of God; and .every body pretet:Ideth to 'it: but 0 hovl few are there in the /wor1d that underfl:and what it n1eans; that fec1 tl~e power and ef~ · ficacy ofit on their own fpirits ·! Amor eft pondus animi; Loye is that weight whereby , a foul is carried -to 'Yards the objeCt which , it loves, and rd1:eth in it as its proper, centre... , ' t"rhofe who are acquainted with this noble paffion even in . its vvanderings and devia... tions fron1 it~ proper objeCt, when_ it is wholly fixed on fome filly creature like ( ourfdves: thefc, I fay, - do know what U, wighry