Scougal - BR75 S3 1759

.!'2. 30 T hat there are h-ut !'nighty effctt.s it is wont to produce in the . fouls where it prevaileth; how it makes then1 aln1ofi f{)rget their own interefi-, ahd ()nly ·n1.ind that of another; how -careful they .are of every _thing that n1ay pleafe ()f advantage the perfon, and afraid to off– end thetn·; what delight they have in their converfadon, and J1ow haraly they endure to be abfent from then1. "' See therefore if thou findefl: any thing anfwerable to thefe effe&s -of love, in_the affec;tion · thou pre– tendefl: unto God. Are his glory and hon– ()Uf the dearefiof all t11ings unto thee; and wouldefl: thou rather· hear thyfelf and all · thy friends reviled, than his holy name blaf– rhen1e·d? Is it tpy greateft care and bufinefs to pieafehim, and art-thou watchflll againft every fin! Is there nothing in the 'world fo dear urrto thee, but thou wouldefi part with for his fake ·; and fl:iU defirefi he fhould _ do his own will rather than thine? is nothing _ fo delightful as to converfe with him? ·And doth every thing feen1 burdenfome which detains thee long fron1 hi1n? Ifwe would examine ourfelves by thcfe n1eafures, I fear n1oft of us would find our confidence built ·on a-fat1dy foundation. · ' Perhaps y~u will tell n1e, ' that though things be not fo well at prefent; though you