Scougal - BR75 S3 1759

/ .Afinal! number .faved. 2 ~ r you have not yet attained thefe endow– tnents that are neceffary to fit you for heaven, nor iadeed begun to endeavour af- , '-• ter thcn1; yet hereafter you -hope all fhaU · be well; you'll repent and am~end once be– fore you die. But confider, I bcfeech you, my brethren, what -it is that you fay. When t_hink you that this pron1ifed refor– n1ation fuall begin? Son1e two -- or three- · -years after this·, when you have pleafed yonrfelves, and indulged your lufts a little· n1ore? But what affurance have you to live fo long? Are \llotyour neighbours dropping down every day about you, "rho expected death as little as you? And fuppofe you live, 'vhat greater probability is .' there of your reforn1ation at that tin1e than now? ' Had .you not the f~une thoughts and re– folutions feveral years ago, which yet have taken no e-:ffc.Cl: at al.l? \Vill you not have· the fatne ten1ptations and fr1a-res? Will your lllfl:s be tnore eafily overcon1e, when firengthened by longer cufto_tn:,~. Will_it be· n1oreeafy,..toreturn after you have wandered further out of your way? Bei-ike it is on a _deathbed-repentance you have grounded' your hopes; you refo.Ive to .part with your / lafts when you can keep then1 no longer, ZJnd ferve God Almightywith the dreg,s of your· . ttme...