Scougal - BR75 S3 1759

A Jinalt Number focy,eJ. . 2 33 'greatefl: part of n1ankind fuould be dam– ned: they cannot 'in1agine that h~aven fuould be fuch an .empty and defolate place and have fo very few to inhaqit it.· But 0 what folly and madnefs is this, fGr fin– ful men to f~t rules unto the divine good– nefs, and draw conclufions from it fo ex 4 prefsly contrar'y to wha.t hin1fel~ ha'th re– vealed : Is it not enough that he has tau~ht us the way to be happy, and given his own Son to the death to n1ake it poffible; that he bath waited fo long, and invited us fo earnefily, an~ fo frequ~ntly told us OJr hazard? If all this -cannot prevail; if we be obfl:inately refolved to continue wicked · ·and 1niferable; 'if we defpife his ,goodnels, and .t.urn .all his grace 'unto. wantonnefs; · if we ~ight his .threatenings, and will have none of his r~proof; 'if we court datnnaii– ~n, and throw ourfelves headlong intoheli;: how can we expeC1: :that he ihould interpofe his otnriipotency to .puB u~ fron thence, . and place us in heaven agatnft our wil1 r 'Phofe ble{fe,d regions are · not like · our ne:w plantations, whiCh are iometimes peop~ led with the worfl: fort of perfops, lefl: they · fhould be altogether defolate. ·There are thoufands ofangels aad ten thoufand times . . ten thoufand that frand about the throne. , U 3 \Ve I