Scougal - BR75 S3 1759

The D~ty a11,tl Pleafore; &c. 2.35 I wo_uld parents, and hufbands, and wives, en1ploy aB their diligenceand indufiry, and . n1ake ufe of the mofl: ufeful n1ethods, for reclaitning their near relations, .and pulling thetn fron1 the brink of hell ?LatHy, what ho1y violence would each of us ufe for fav– ing ourfelves fron1 this comn1on ruin, and n1aking our calling and elccriori fun~? This, l fay' is the ufe ofwhat we have been fpeak– ing: and-i11ay Altnighty .God fo, accompany it with his hleffing and powe t it may - he fo happily effeCl:ual to fo excellent a purpofe. And un-to this God, (;"c. t Tl,-le Duty and Pleafure of Praife and rrhankfgiving. ' Ps A L. -cvii. IS· Oh that men ·would prai)e the Lord for -hi; goodnefl, andfor his. wonderful workJ ·to the childre~ ·o.f men.! - ;THERE is fcarce any duty of religion • 1nore commonly negleCted, or more flightly performed, than that ·of praife and thankfgiving. The fenfe ofour wants puts tlS upon. begging favours from God; and the confcioufnefs of our fins confirains us to ..