236 . · The Duty a11d Pleafur~ - to deprecate his wrath. Thus interefl: and felf-love fends us to ~our prayers. But, alas! how fn1all a part hath an ingenious grati– tude in~ our devotion? How fddom are we ferious and hearty in our ack~owledgeJncnt of the divine bounty? 1'he f1e.nder ,returns of this nature' which we n1ake, are many times .a forn1al cere1nony, a preface to uiher in our pe~t-itions for what we want, , rather than any Jincere expreffion of our thankfu entment f.pr what we have re– CGived. Far different was tl1e temper of the holy Pfaln1ifr, whofe affeetiohate acknow– le~gen1ents of the goodnefs and bounty of God, in the chearful celebration of his praife, n1ake up a confid~rabie part of hi'S divine and ravi.fhing fongs. How often do '\Ve find hin1 exciting and _rlifpofing hin1.. felf to join voice, hand and heart together in this holy and delightful ~'11ployn1 ent? B le(s the L ord, () ni:J j oul: anri-.all thai ir _· witbin me b!efs his hDly nanze*. My heart is fixed, 0 God, my heart is fix ed. I will fing JJndgi1.1e praife. Awake up, my glory, arzv,ake p[altery and barp .~ I myfelfwill awake right early t. And being confcious of his ow.n 'infufficiency for the __work he ·invite.th oth.ers 1unto it; calling in the whole creation to :J: Pfal. ciii. ·1.