Of Praif.e and.Th-ank_/g;iv~ng. -239 with his praife. 'Tis t-rue, all the praifes of m_en and angels can add nothing to 'his 1Jappinefs and glory ;_ yet there is .a fitnefs and congruity in the thing; · and it is our happinefs as weU as our duty to perform it:· f:or it is _good to jing praifls to our God; fir it is pleafant, 1111d praift is ·cQmefy *. ·This is .the bieifed en1ployt11ent of the ho– ly ones above: and if ever ·we tafie the ,pleafures of heaven _upon earth, .it.is when our fouls are ravilhed with an overflowing fenfe ofthe divine goodncfs, and ·our mouths ~e filled with his praife. Oh t.hat 1J2en would praife t'he Lord fir his goodne.fs. All the attributes of God de– fervc our higheH praife. Power, wifdo1n a_nd goodnefs ave all one in him; but, as we have different conceptions of thefe, - goodnefi is that love1y attribute -whieh cloth peculiarly attraet our affeCtion, and excite our praife. Our love to God deth not fo n1ucl1 flow from_the confideration of his greatnefs, wh~reby l1e can do whatever he will, as from ' the confidera~on of his good"' nefs, that he always willeth what is bell; .that his alm~ghty power hath infinite wif– . dom to regulate 'it, and unfpeakable 'boun– ty, to aCtuate and exert it. Oh • l'.fat 'CXlvii. 1. ' •