' I . 24-o ' The Dut_y and Pleajitre , Oh that men wortld praifi the Lordfir . his goodnefs, a;;djor his --;JJonderjul 7JJorks fa the children of men! The divine goodnefs cloth fpread and extend ·itfclf oyer all the .P5J.rts of the univerfe, at1d . embraceth the 'vhole creation in its arms: it not only dif– playetli. it~df tnoO: illufhioufly to the blef– i:Cd inhabitants above, but alfo reacheth to th_e meanefi: worn1 that erawleth on the ground. The beafl-s of the field, and the fowls of the air, and the ·fillies of the_fea, .and the innu1nerable fwarms of little in- , feCls which we can hardly ·difcern with our eyes, are all fubjeCls of that ahnighty care: by him ~ they are brought forth into the world; by hi1n they are furnifhed ·with provifion ·fuitable for thet11; Thife all wait 't!pon thee ~faith the ,Pfalmifi:): that thou mayefl give them their meat in due foafon. · -That thou givefl them, t)lfy gather;· thou _ fJpen~fl thine hand, they are filled wit l;good *· But here, to excite us to thankfulnefs, he n1akes choice of an infi:ance wherein \VC ourfelves are n1ore nearly concerned; and exhorteth .to praife the L~rd for his won: derful works to the children of men. I£ tl}e ~oodnefs of God to the ho1y angels be a– bove our reach, and his .bounty to the in- . · , ferior ' «< Pfal. civ. 27, 28.